Plate tectonics is a theory which is about the movement of plates on the surface of Earth that propose by Alfred Wegener.There have two types of plates on Earth which is contiental and oceanic plates.Long time ago, all continental drift are stick together which we call "Pangaea". They move apart through time pass and become the continent we live now.I agree with the theory and here are some evidence that support it.
One of the evidence that use to support the theory is the shape of continental.When you tyr to combine all continental,you will find out that they can stick together like a puzzel.For example, the south of North America can combine with the north of South America.
Convection current is also a evidence that support it.Convection current occur in the mantle layer of Earth which is under the lithosphere that is very hot.Each plate move little distance each year because the convection current. It also cause convergent , divergent ,transform boundary on Earth and created many geography features like mountains, mid ocean ridge and volcanoes.
Scientist also discover that same fossil had appear all around the world but how can one group of animals can move so far throught the continental as we see today. The best answer is long time age, the world is only have one land and animals can freely move around continentals.
I agree the theory of plate tectonics because those evidence is just telling you the world now is
move from a big land. Also when the plate move.earthquake, volcanocs and many geograohy features will create like the Himalaya mountains, Ring of Fire,East Pacific Rise.
1)what did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy how we can choose different type of project because doing the same type of project is boring.
2)The most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging of the project is to hand in the project on time becuase the layer is getting difficult and more when you move on so you have to spend your time wisely.
3)What new skills did you learn from doning this project ?
I learned how to make a video.
4)Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?Explain
I think i can give more picture and defintions on my project like on flodables.
5)What would ypu change about this project?
I would made everyone had to do the same amount of work and i will try to make a song with someone.